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Ставропольцам объяснили, как собирать в лесу валежник, не нарушая закон

Министерство природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды Ставропольского края опубликовало правила сбора валежника

The main idea of the text is to clarify the legal aspects and correct identification of valenjik (deadwood) for citizens of Stavropol Krai who wish to collect it from forest areas. Key points: * Legality: Collecting already dead wood (valenjik) from forests is legal year-round. * Definition: Valenjik includes fallen tree trunks, branches, and twigs that have detached from the root system naturally. This also includes broken treetops due to natural events. Stumps with root systems, regardless of size, are not considered valenjik. The text aims to provide clear guidelines to prevent misunderstandings and potential legal issues surrounding the collection of forest materials.

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